
Classes from Junior Infants right up to sixth have been busy creating Christmas masterpieces.

Each class have worked together in their bubble to decide upon a theme. They have brainstormed Christmas scenes and thought imaginatively about how they could portray them most creatively. 

Last week, the displays were put up outside all of the classes ready for judging. All ideas have come straight from the children and their enthusiasm can be felt around the school.  There is one winner in the junior end of the school (Junior Infants- 2nd) and another in the senior end (3rd-6th).

The winning classes will enjoy a Christmas themed party! Have a look below at the winning display and also pictures of all of the classes wonderful work.

Junior Winner.JPG

Múinteoir Lorna’s ‘Crazy Christmas 2020’

Senior Winner.JPG

Múinteoir KAte’s ‘Welcome to Whooville’

Check out all of our other class entries here….