Launch of St Ultans Strategic Plan 2025-2029

A huge thank you to everyone who helped us to celebrate the launch of our strategic plan for 2024-2029 this afternoon.

We hope you enjoy this video which shows a snapshot of a day in the life in St. Ultans.

“A Day in the Life” by St. Ultans

Here are a few more photos from today. We’ll share a digital version of our Strategic Plan here soon….

2nd Class Performance - Symphony

Here a peak at the wonderful performance by Múinteoir Aisling and Múinteoir Ita’s 2nd classes. They were just phenomenal.

Christmas Craft Fair

Congratulations to everyone who took part in our Craft Fair last week, and to all those who helped with the preparations. It was a very fun day, and all classes really enjoyed their visit to the Fair. A massive overall total of €3,656 was raised… our biggest total ever.

We are delighted to announce that the final amount raised was bumped up by a donation to St. Ultans from our friends at Citi Group, who matched what was initially raised by our school community.

Huge thanks to one of our parents who works at Citi Group for working hard to arrange this. We’re always eager to hear about any ideas parents might have to help us with fundraising.
Congratulations again to everyone involved including all the children and adults who worked at the fair and behind the scenes to make it such a very enjoyable and successful Christmas Craft Fair day.


Parent Teacher Meetings

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all well. As many of you know already, Parent teacher meetings are taking place over the next two weeks on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

To try to suit all families, this year we are offering a choice of

-       Phone call Meeting

-       Face to Face Meeting

Teachers will be busy trying to get in contact with you this week to arrange time-slots for you to meet with them or have phone-calls with them. If you have any questions about meeting you can contact the school office on 01-6434599



Happy Halloween

Here’s a few photos from today’s Fancy Dress… We hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween.

6th Class Award Winners - June 2024

Huge Congratulations to all our 6th Class students who graduated last Friday! We were delighted to celebrate them and all their achievements over their 8 years with us in St. Ultan’s.

Each year at graduation we have some special awards to celebrate individual achievements. This year we presented the following four awards…

Lauritzson Foundation Award & Bursary: An award for achievements in music and a contribution towards further music studies. This award goes to a child who has participated and excelled in St. Ultans Presto project.

Attendance and Participation Award: An award for really good attendance and punctuality, and also to recognise a child that can always be depended on to support events, participate in events and turn up when they say they will.

Spirit of Saint Ultan: An award for a child who embraces and promotes kindness, bravery, excellent interpersonal skills, a big heart, a lovely nature and a generosity of spirit.

Réalt na Scoile: This major award goes to the child in 6th class who epitomises everything we value in Saint Ultans, the child who has contributed most to Saint Ultans, and has been a super ambassador throughout their time here.

Congratulations to this year’s Award Winners

Lauritzon Foundation Award - Amelia Skwarek

Attendance & Participation Award (Joint Winners) - Isabella Cortez

Spirit of St. Ultans - Ryan Hanley Hand

Réalt na Scoile - Ava-Lilly Canning

Lauritzon Foundation Award

Attendance & Participation Award

Spirit of St. Ultans Award

Réalt na Scoile