Múinteoir Lisa’s Junior Infants

In Múinteoir Lisa’s class, we were very busy creating a “Winter Wonderland”. We worked together as a team to sponge paint a dark night sky.  We made snowmen using cotton wool. We wanted our snowmen to be cosy, so we used different materials  to make hats, scarves and gloves.  Some of us even made patterns on our scarves.  We made reindeer. We printed our hands. We used our fingerprints to give them little feet. Alison collected sticks in the park. We picked two each  to make antlers. During Aistear, we worked together to make a big Santa. We used small pieces of paper to make him colourful. We made trees using paper plates. After the paint was dry, we decorated them with bright sequins and stickers. We worked together really well and planned out where each piece of art would go in our display. We added stars to the night sky to light the way for Santa and the reindeer.  We had lots of fun!

Múinteoir Ciara’s Junior Infants

'As this was the first class window that we have ever made, we used this to explore whatever parts of Christmas we wanted. Our theme was simple - Christmas. We spoke about all the things that we see during Christmas time and chose which of these we would like to create. We worked together on some pieces and alone on other pieces. We like our window because it is very colourful and Christmassy 🙂'

Múinteoir Lorna’s Junior Infants

Title: 'Walking in a Winter Wonderland'

We created a winter wonderland with snowmen, Christmas trees, and a giant Santa. We even made snow globes with our faces! We had some much fun exploring materials for our Christmas window J 

We cut out our snow globe shapes and a Christmas tree. We decorated our Christmas tree using glitter and paint. We used a que tip to add snow into the snow globe. We then used crepe paper to design a snowsuit for ourselves. We got to stick in our own faces and added cotton wool to keep our heads warm and cosy! 

We made a giant Santa and used different fabrics to make his suit, hat and boots. We used paper, crepe, cotton wool and feathers to design our Santa. We talked about the different materials and decided what ones would be the most suitable for Santa’s different parts. We chose feathers for his hat so that it would be soft and cosy for his head! 

We used cotton wool and foam to create our snowmen’s ‘snow’. We used glue to stick them onto paper plates. We then choose different kinds of fabric to design a scarf to keep our snowmen warm! We decided to jazz up our snowmen’s plain black hats by adding glitter to make them shine in the snow!