6th Class Graduation 2024

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls from 6th Class who graduated from St. Ultans last week! Best wishes to each and everyone of you from all in St. Ultans!

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Congratulations to all our Graduates

Congratulations to each and every 6th class student. Well done to everyone for all the hard work and preparation that went into a wonderful ceremony.

Thanks also to PRESTO students who performed at graduation, especially to Amelia for her wonderful solo performance.

Junior Infant Induction Meeting

Hi everyone,

This years Junior Infant Induction will take place on Thursday June 6th at 9.15a.m. in St. Ultan’s School Hall.

In preparation for starting school in September we invite Parents and Guardians to bring their child to school for this special day.

First, everyone will gather in the hall. The children will then be brought in three groups with a teacher and an SNA for some fun activities. The groups the children are in on this day may not be their class in September.

If your child has any additional needs, or you have concerns about how they will manage this induction day, please contact the school in advance on 01 6434599, so we can put supports in place for your child.



Autism Appreciation April

This week in assembly we celebrated all of the amazing work that has been going on in our three Autism Classes. Each week Múinteoir Mark, Múinteoir Liana, and Múinteoir Ashleys classes come together to work on some fabulous projects. We would like to celebrate these changemakers who show so much teamwork and creativity.

Here’s a look at some of their fabulous displays and some videos to show the process, planning and teamwork that goes into making their art projects.

We hope you enjoy our Displays…

DCC Kindness Heroes

Lord Mayor Daithí De Roiste visited St. Ultans yesterday to launch a new initiative called Kindness Superheroes. All of the boys and girls from Junior Infants to 2nd class went to an assembly in the halla where Lord Mayor Daithí had a chat with them about it.

You can find out more information here: https://www.dublincity.ie/council/your-city-council/lord-mayor-dublin/about-lord-mayor-dublin/dublin-city-kindness

Welcome to Term 3


Dear Parents & Guardians,

I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter between the showers. Term 2 was a wonderful success with the amazing St. Patrick’s Parade, the record breaking Bake Sale and packed-out Grandparents’ Mass.

We are all looking forward to Term 3 and the busy and exciting days ahead. 2nd and 6th classes are looking forward to their Communions and Confirmations sacraments and the Cherry Blossoms Festival is in full swing! Please check the Term 3 calendar included here regarding school closures as some changes have been made.

Our school Girls & Boys soccer teams continue to represent St. Ultan’s with pride in their Blitz and league competitions with support of M. Brian, Angela, Gary and Lettie. A St. Ultan’s team took part in the Féile Ficheall Chess Competition hosted by St. Lorcan’s last month supported by M. Mark H and Ger. This was a chess first for St. Ultan’s and the team gave a great display on all of our behalves. 

Lastly, thank you to everyone for the brilliant support you continue give your children and St. Ultan’s. It is all really appreciated and it is together than we will ensure our children and young people achieve more.

Many thanks and best wishes,

M. Brendan

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We are celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge this week in St. Ultans.

Here is a list of some of the activities the children will be taking part in during the week:

  • Siopa Gaeilge: All children are encouraged to use as much Gaeilge as possible throughout the week. Staff members will give airgead (money) to children they see making an extra effort. The children can use their ‘airgead’ to buy small prizes from the Siopa Gaeilge each day.

  • On Wednesday different classes will be taking part in a table quiz ‘Tráth na gCeist’

  • On Thursday we will be having a ‘Taispeaintais’ in the halla for all classes to perform as Gaeilge for each other

  • All classes will be learning songs as Gaeilge and listening to stories trí Ghaeilge throughout the week.

  • Friday 15th March will be ‘Lá Glas’ and the children may all dress up coming to school. We will all be taking part in the Cherry Orchard Community St. Patricks Parade at 10am.

Please join us in encouraging your child to use their ‘cúpla focal’ this week. There is a picture below with some commonly used words and phrases translated into Irish and written out phonetically to help parents to get involved.

 Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge!

Finally, the school will be closed on Monday 18th March as it is a public holiday.

Wishing you all a very enjoyable Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Le gach dea mhéin.

The Lighting of the Christmas Tree (Dec 23)

Thanks to everyone who came out to watch the Lighting of the Christmas Tree this evening, especially to our wonderful musicians, everyone at Dublin City Council, the Orchard Community Centre, Mayor Daithí, the parish team, and everyone who helped out with tea in the halla. It was a great evening.

Halloween 23 - Fancy Dress Friday

Well done to all the boys and girls for a wonderful fancy dress Friday. We had a lovely day celebrating the first half of Term 1.

Here are some group photos and we will share a slideshow of some of the amazing efforts later today.

We hope you all enjoy the mid-term break and we’ll see you back in school on Monday 6th November.

Voucher Winners

Junior Infants: Heidi, Millie Rose, Hunter

Senior Infants: Jayden Lee, Rocco, Finn

1st Class: Mollie, Aubrey

2nd Class: Kendrick, Tilly

3rd Class: Beau, Lottie

4th Class: Zara, Layla Mc, Kayla

5th Class: Lexi Mc, Ruby, Mollie Rae, Kadie

6th Class: Cassie, Ava Lilly