Celebrating our Achievements in 2020

An Amazing Achievement for Rang a 5

On Tuesday 15th of December, every child in Rang a 5 took the start line for a 8 laps and 200m of Cherry Orchard Park, an incredible total distance of 5 kilometres. This was the culmination of 4 months of intensive training every Tuesday and Thursday during PE, building stamina through a range of methods from Resistance Training with our chairs, to relay races to long runs.

Not only is the completion of such a distance a remarkable physical achievement that completely belies the age of each runner, the resilience and camaraderie that was cultivated during each Tuesday and Thursday was inspiring to see.

A special mention to the parents and guardians who showed up in great numbers and added to a special day for our class.

Maith sibh go léir agus coiméad suas an aclaíocht thar an Nollaig!
