Class Shout Out - Múinteoir Mairead's 1st Class

The boys and girls in Múinteoir Mairead’s 1st Class are delighted to be part of our ‘Class Shout Out’. They have been so busy, and have lots of fun things to share..

Science Eggsperiment

We did a science experiment (or as the boys and girls called it an 'Eggs'periment) to see which drink was the best at keeping our teeth healthy and which was the worst drink for our teeth. The shell of an egg has similar material to our teeth. We chose 7 drinks. The eggs were left in each drink for just under 2 days. As you can see the results speak for themselves. We discussed our findings and how we can take care of our teeth by brushing them in the morning and at night and choosing healthy drinks instead.

Eating a Rainbow

Taste testing a variety of fruits, was great fun, especially as some were for the first time. The boys and girls discussed how eating lots of fruits and vegetables are one of things that keep our bodies healthy 💪🏻 We enjoyed smoothies with the left over fruit too.

Eating a Rainbow.jpg

Cherry Orchard Transport Survey

The boys and girls also had great fun collecting data about some of the most popular types of transport in the Cherry Orchard area.

Outdoor Art - Making Mosaics