Seachtain na Gaeilge

This week in St. Ultans we will have started to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. There are lots of activities between now and Wednesday 15th March to look out for;

Siopaí Gaeilge

Ar an Luan, d’oscail muid ár Siopaí Gaeilge inár seomraí ranga. On Monday, we opened our ‘Siopaí Gaeilge’ in our classrooms.

Is féidir le paistí a dheanann iarracht Gaeilge a usáid i rith an lae, airgead a fháil ó na múinteoirí. Children who try to speak Irish during the day, can get money from the teachers.

Is féidir leis na bpáistí a t-airgead seo a úsáid chun duaiseanna a cheannach ón Siopa Gaeilge. The children can use this money to buy prizes from the Siopa Gaeilge.

Lá Eadaí Codlata

Ar an Máirt, bhí Lá Eadaí Codlata againn. On Tuesday we had a pyjama day.

Ghléas na páistí suas ina eadaí codlata chun airgead a bhailiú chun tacú le cúis mhaith. Bhí lá iontach acu. The children dressed up in their pj’s to raise money for a good cause. The had a great day.

Seó Gaeilge

De hAoine, beidh Taispeantais Gaeilge againn do na ranganna ar fad, sa halla. On Friday we will have a ‘Seó Gaeilge’ for all of the children in the halla.

Tráth na Gceist

Ar an Luan, 14ú Márta, beidh Tráth na gCeist againn do pháistí ó rang a 1 go rang a 6. On Monday, 13th March, we will have a table quiz for all children in 1st to 6th Class.

wednesday 15th - St. Patricks Day Parade

This year we will be having our first Cherry Orchard Community St. Patricks Day Parade. The parade will take place at 11am leaving from the Equine Center, going down to the roundabout at the Community Center, and finishing at the school gates. We would like to invite you all to attend to cheer on the parade.