‘Favourite Book’ Challenge winners

Check out some of the winning entries in The Winners Gallery above or click here

-Special Prize winner- Highly commended award for creating, writing and reviewing her own book:

Grace- M. Claire’s Class

Congratulations Grace, what a brilliant book! Your prize will be delivered to you on the return to school.

And congratulations to the following winners of afternoon tea with M. Dee & M. Emer on the return to school are:

Junior winners:

1.       Harrison - M. Aoife

2.       Darcie - M. Niamh

3.       Lily - M. Aoife

4.       Luke - M. Catherine

5.       Daisee - M. Aoife

6.       Alfie - M. Niamh

7.       Clodagh - M. Catherine

8.       Alicia - M.Aoife

9.       Kydee - M. Catherine

10.   Rian - M. Lorna

11.   Orianne - M. Lisa

12.   Brogan - M. Oonagh

13.   Alise - M. Mairead

 Senior Winners-

14.   Grace - M Claire

15.   Alex - M. Ashley

16.   Shannon - M. Kate

17.   Alicia - M Micheal

18.   Khloe- M Micheal

19.   Darragh – M. Micheal

 (15th February 2021)

Have a look at the video to find out all about Múinteoir Emer & Múinteoir Dee’s challenge. We hope you enjoy this one and can’t wait to see all your entries.