St. Ultan’s Weekly Challenges are Back

Hi Everyone! We hope you are all keeping safe and well….

Every Friday we will post a new and exciting challenge that all the boys and girls can try at home and hopefully have lots of fun.

More importantly, we will also get to celebrate all the wonderful work the children are doing. So stay tuned….

This Weeks Challenge

(22nd March 2021)

This weeks challenge is our LAST challenge. It is a Maths Homework Challenge from Múinteoir Aidan.

You need to design a poster of a place you would like to visit. The poster should include some Math - numbers, shapes, how much it costs to visit…

Have a look at the pictures below to see some amazing examples, and find out more.

Please send your entries to your class teacher on dojo (pictures or videos) by THURSDAY 25th March.

Previous Weekly Challenges (2020-21)

Click below to see the children’s work on each weekly challenge!